Thomas Webb
Thomas Webb
DOB 01/05/98
Home Yucaipa CA
I was 18 when I got my first bike. I road daily in the Crafton Hills area of Yucaipa. I used Strava to track and improve my times. Shortly after that I bought a road bikes and I rode both for about a year. I decided to commit to the mountain bike and to compete. I basically watched racing videos online and back then, talk to guys at the local bike shops to gain knowledge on how to set up my bike and the best equipment to use. I rode every day and started going to other trails for a more difficult ride. I felt like I was ready to compete so in 2017, I signed up for my first race in the Sourhridge Racing Series, Beginner Class. I got second in my first race and crashed in the next race. I broke my shoulder, which put me out the rest of the season. I hit it hard in 2018 riding and training with some of the pro riders. Their mentorship challenged me and their knowledge was invaluable, I rode the Sport Class in the Southridge and the SoCal racing series and won overall in both. I like the competition and the guys I race with are fun to ride with and be around. I spend most of my free time on my bike but I do enjoy basketball and hiking.
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